
Showing posts from October, 2018

Does Amla Has Negative Effect On The Body ?

In Indian culture , amla is regarded as the divine fruit which has enormous health benefits. Indians believe that it is originated from the drops of Amrit, which gives immortality. Also known as Indian gooseberry, amla belongs to the deciduous tree family called Phyllantaceae. The raw fruits can be consumed directly or in the form of juice, oil and powder. In Ayurvedic field , it is not less than an elixir, Such is the greatness of the fruit. But these are all one side and you may be shocked to know that this elixir has also got some drawbacks. Lets see what are those. Drawbacks Although amla is useful in controlling the sugar level in the body, excess use of it leads to deficiency in glucose levels. As a result, it becomes toxic to diabetic patients. Similarly if taken beyond the limits, it raises the problem of stomach cramps and constipation. If it exceeds the prescribed limit, you may face the problem of diarrhea. Too much consumption also leads to stomach ach...

Advantages Of Bitter Melon

Some vegetables have incredible uses and karela otherwise bitter melon is one them. Due to its bitterness most of the people feel it as an enemy to their diet. But according to the health experts the bitter things are always healthier and helpful .  Advantages Karela is rich in Vitamins and antioxidants that we require very much. Especially it is the abundant source of vitamin B, different fibers, manganese, potassium etc. The Karela juice is said to be the elixir of diabetic and heart patients. It is also a rich source of vitamin C that is very much useful in gaining resistance power. Bitter Melon is widely used in African herbal medicines. It is considered to be the rightful medicine for different type of ailments, especially that are related to stomach. The intake of raw juice or cooked karela helps in solving complicated health issues like gout, ulcers and other skin related diseases . Apart from eradicating menstrual problems in women, it is considered to be t...

Drawbacks Of Papaya

Papaya is one of the most nutritious and sweetest fruit consumed in the world. Also known as Pawpaw, this native Mexican fruit plant belongs to the family of Caricaceae. Mostly liked by all section of people around the world, this juicy fruit has enormous health benefits, especially for digestive system. According to some researchers the papain present in papaya can cause birth defects for a new born baby. If you consume excess papaya the fiber contents may not be digested which results in bloating. Some health experts say that, excess intake of this fruit may cause skin irritation which may lead to some allergies. Tips :   For Tonsils, throat infection and pain One table spoon of unripe papaya fruit juice is mixed with one table spoon of honey. Apply this mixture smoothly on the tonsils with a cotton stick. Gargle this mixture to get instant relief from throat pain or infection. For More Updates on Fruits Visit Here

Coconut Oil

There is a common saying in Telugu states that, it is better to grow a coconut tree instead of raising a son. This shows how valuable coconut trees are and undoubtedly it is the most demanding fruit across the world.  Oil Uses: One of the most demanding resultant of coconut tree is its oil. It is widely used in cooking, especially in Kerala state. It has low cholesterol levels and greatly reduces the belly fat. The uses of it as a hair oil is extraordinary, it protects hair from damaging and improves brain function. It is also a great moisturizer for whole body, that is why it is well used for massaging new born babies. For More Updates Visit Here

Advantages of Organic Cotton Farming

Eco-Friendly I. Use of fertilizers and pesticides are harmful to crops. The organic cotton production relies on non-chemical inputs and decreases pollution hazards . II. Using fertilizers leads to the destruction of soil organisms , and it may cause to soil health creating an imbalance in natural predators of cotton pests. Reduction in Cost Modern production in farming is expensive, and most of the farmers from Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra are committed to suicide due increase in expenses without any profit from the cotton farm. Organic farming helps creates rural employment, and use of resources are less compare to modern farming which reduces expenses. For More Updates Visit Here

Drawbacks And Benefits Of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is one more important flavoring and garnishing food item in the cuisine. Apart from that its uses as a medicinal herb are unimaginable, that is why it is called as multipurpose herb. Rich in several vitamins and minerals, it is originated from Asian countries. Coming to production, India has occupied top place in the world with Rajasthan being the stakeholder in its entire production. It belongs to the special category of plants where the total plant is consumed for great health. But that is all one side, fenugreek is also harmful to health. Lets see what are the drawbacks and benefits with it. Drawbacks Like Peanuts, some people also feel allergic to fenugreek as it belongs to the same category. People suffering with asthma and thyroid are advised to stay away from fenugreeks as they have the quality to worsen the situation. Fenugreek have the tendency to interact with the drugs, so diabetic patients are advised to be careful while taking the medication as it ma...

Drawbacks Of Onions

Onions are the vegetables mostly used for adding flavor to the recipes. Belonging to the lily family genus Allium, these onions provide enormous health benefits. Like many other natural food items onions are also widely used in medicinal field. The first drawback with it is bad smell as like as garlic, onions also give bad smell when you breathe out, feeling ashamed while interacting with others. Although onions are good for skin protection, it can cause skin irritation for some people. Excess consumption of onions can lower the blood sugar levels making even critical for diabetic patients. Over intake of onions also results in digestive problems and may even cause vomitting. If at all any such thing happens it is advised to consult the physician. Health tip :  For cold and Ear ache A spoon full of onion juice is mixed with same amounts of ginger juice and honey. Take this mix early in the morning to get instant relief from severe cold. For ear ache or loosenin...

Benefits Peanut Oil

Peanuts or ground nuts are abundant source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. These have enormous health benefits and can be used in various fields including Ayurvedic medicines .  Peanut Oil : Peanut oil or ground nut oil is best suited for a healthy heart as they are rich in mono unsaturated fats. This oil also helps in reducing bad cholesterol levels. This oil is very much useful for protecting digestive system. Problems like diarrhea and constipation are solved by taking this oil daily. The abundant presence of vitamin E in this oil keeps away certain types of cancers also. As the peanuts are high in proteins, its oil is also a good source for body building purpose. Regular usage of groundnut oil reduces the sugar levels which is quite essential for diabetic patients. Apart from these, peanut oil is also used in preparing some soaps, paints, furniture polish and messaging oils. For More Updates Visit Here

Drawbacks And Benefits Of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is one more important flavoring and garnishing food item in the cuisine. Apart from that its uses as a medicinal herb are unimaginable, that is why it is called as multipurpose herb. Rich in several vitamins and minerals, it is originated from Asian countries. Coming to production, India has occupied top place in the world with Rajasthan being the stakeholder in its entire production. It belongs to the special category of plants where the total plant is consumed for great health. But that is all one side, fenugreek is also harmful to health. Lets see what are the drawbacks and benefits with it. Drawbacks Like Peanuts, some people also feel allergic to fenugreek as it belongs to the same category. People suffering with asthma and thyroid are advised to stay away from fenugreeks as they have the quality to worsen the situation. Fenugreek have the tendency to interact with the drugs, so diabetic patients are advised to be careful while taking the medication as...

Advantages Of Carrot

Carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in color. Carrots are scientifically known as Daucus and Carota. Carrots come in different colors like orange, purple, white, yellow, and red. The taproot of the carrot is the part of the vegetable and most commonly eaten. Advantages Carrot juice is cleaned and keeps the body in good condition, and also keeps the digestive system healthy. Carrot halva helps to solve urine problems . People who eat carrot regularly, they do not have night blindness problems. Carrot keeps blood pressure in control. People who drink carrot juice regularly, they do not have any cancer problems. For More Updates Visit Here

Benefits Of Grapes

Grapes are the most tastiest and healthiest fruits on the earth available in different colors . According to health experts, it has jaw dropping nutritional values which ensures great health. Usually grown in clusters, these grapes can be eaten as fresh table grapes or in the form of wine, raisins, juice, oil etc. Benefits : You will get the benefits of several fruits and vegetables with a single grape cluster. One cup of grapes have rich amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber contents. Grapes contain high amounts of antioxidants. The extracted juice or limited amounts of wine can decrease the cholesterol levels and ensures a healthy heart. Grape juice contain resveratrol which lowers the chances of tumors in the body there by avoiding any cancer related problems. If you drink daily one cup of grape juice there would not be any heart attacks and BP problems. Grapes have the ability to reduce the weight and make you look young. So co...


Onions are the vegetables mostly used for adding flavor to the recipes . Belonging to the lily family genus Allium, these onions provide enormous health benefits. Like many other natural food items onions are also widely used in medicinal field . Its history is almost 7000 years old and thought to be originated from China. Production wise, China holds top place with 26 % followed by India with 21% of world production. It is a vegetable with more profits and less drawbacks, so lets see what are those. Benefits Onions are the abundant sources of manganese that avoids cold and cough. It is very rich in nutrients like vitamin C, B6, iron and potassium that improves immunity system with effective blood functioning for a healthy heart. Presence of vitamin C in large amounts makes it useful for skin and hair protection. Eating raw onions daily ensures lowering the bad cholesterol levels , which means your heart is safe from any attacks. Containing vitamin A, B and C makes it as t...

Demerits of wheat

Wheat is the most widely used staple food in the world. India stands at second position in wheat production as it is the most wanted food crop after Rice. Demerits of wheat: The high presence of gluten in wheat leads to a typical disease called coeliac disease in people who have low resistance power. Over consuming of wheat may lead to a food allergy called wheat allergy which is also caused by the gluten compound in wheat. High intake of wheat also triggers the uprising of blood sugar levels. Production: China holds the first place in producing wheat around the world followed by India. Locally Uttar Pradesh is the state to occupy first place in wheat production followed by Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Uttarakhand. For More Updates Visit Here

Structure of Banana Tree

The Banana Plant grows corm-like structure. They are tall and fair sturdy, and its trunk looks like a false stem. They grow in a wide variety of soils, as long as the soil is at least 50 cm deep, and it consists of good drainage. The leaves of banana plants are shaped like stalk and blade. The base of the stalk is widened to form a sheath, and this sheath is made up of a false stem which supports the plant. Cultivated banana plants vary in height depending on the nature of growing conditions. Top Banana Producing States in India India is one of the leading producers of banana production. It established a remarkable exporting potential to a large range significantly. Banana is an efficient fruit in India varies with a high surplus and net-profit. Today we have enlisted the top banana producing states in India and plays a significant role in our countrys economy. Tamil Nadu Gujarat Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Bihar Madhya Pradesh India Exports Bananas to ...

Benefits of Broccoli

Prevention of Cancer I choose Broccoli . Many studies have suggested that Broccoli decreases the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It may also promote a healthy complexion like hair growth, weight reduction, and energy increase. National Cancer Institute has spoken about the link between Broccoli and cancer in detail. Broccoli contains glucosinolates, which consists of sulfur. During chewing, cooking, and digestion. Glucosinolates broken into active compounds and one of them is indole-3-carbinol. Broccoli shares immune boosting properties to fight back against cancer disease. As per the research, Broccoli is suitable for preventing breast and uterus cancer. Broccoli contains another vitamin "Folate", decreases the risk of breast cancer in women. Intake of dietary folate (especially in foods) fights back with stomach, pancreatic, and cervical cancers. Reduce Fat Broccoli packed with fiber that reduces fat from our body. Because fiber in Broccoli helps...

8 Impressive Benefits of Carrot

Children and adults like carrots because of their crunchy texture and sweet taste. So, it is one of the valuable vegetables for parents, and also children. The health benefits of carrots make a special item in cuisines across the world. So, let us understand the benefits we get from carrot. Prevent Heart Diseases According to the researchers at the Wolfson Gastrointestinal Laboratory stated that high cholesterol is the major factor in causing heart diseases. Since regular consumption of carrots reduces cholesterol in the body and also it prevent heart-related problems. Reduce Blood Pressure Carrots consists of potassium which is a vasodilator and reduce the tension in your blood vessels and arteries, and increase the blood circulation in the body. It also reduces the stress on the cardiovascular system. Prevents Infection Carrots are known to be herbs, and they prevent infection. They used on raw or boiled and mashed. Improves Digestion Carrots consists of dieta...


Grapes are the most tastiest and healthiest fruits on the earth available in different colors . According to health experts, it has jaw dropping nutritional values which ensures great health. Usually grown in clusters, these grapes can be eaten as fresh table grapes or in the form of wine, raisins, juice, oil etc. Production wise, China holds the first place followed by United States and Italy. Most of the production is used for wine making across the globe, but in India table grapes holds the primary priority. Then such healthier, costlier and tasty grapes have cons ? Lets find out. Cons with grapes Eating grapes at limited amounts does not affect our health, but over consumption leads to certain issues, says some experts. The regular issue that can be identified in most of the people is allergy. Some people find itching and even red patches on the skin while touching the grapes or after consumption. According to some health experts taking these grapes beyond the limit ca...

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Banana

Bananas are widely consumed fruits in the world for good reason. Eating bananas help to lower blood pressure, reduce the risks of cancer and asthma. Most of us know that bananas are the great source of potassium, but I am going to share some of the more amazing banana health benefits. Reduce Blood Pressure and Avoid Kidney Stones Problems Banana consists of potassium which is an essential mineral to maintain proper heart function and controls the blood pressure levels. Potassium content in bananas also benefits your kidney and bones. Increased potassium intake is important because of its vasodilation effects, it suppresses the calcium excretion in urine, and it prevents kidney stones. Treat Asthma A banana a day keeps asthma at bay! A study conducted by the Imperial College of London stating that the children who ate one banana per day had 34% less chance to get asthma. Cancer Fighter Consuming bananas in the first two years of life may reduce the risk of leuke...

Benefits Of Capsicum

Nature provides wide variety of vegetables and fruits which gives innumerable health benefits. One of such healthy and beneficial vegetable is Capsicum . In addition to vegetable it is also used as a spice in many food varieties. As a medicine its uses are valuable and it would be a surprise to know that it is also used in making some chemical weapons. Belonging to the family of flowering plant Solanaeceae, these peppers are native to America and grows more in China. So lets see how does this spice cum vegetable is helpful to us. Benefits It has so many names in different countries and its uses are enormous. Its dried form is used as another form of chili pepper. They contain rich quantities of vitamin A and vitamin C. Also known as bell peppers they contain high amounts of vitamin B6 and folic acids which are responsible for avoiding many heart related issues. According to health experts, humans require nearly 11% of vitamin B6 per a day which can be fulfilled by this veg...

Advantages of Wheat

Advantages of Wheat Basically wheat is ground into flour for making different type of food items such as Ataa, cakes, biscuits etc,. Also it is a major ingredient in making beer, vodka and other gravy type food items . Wheat is considered to be the best nutritional food for humans. Its fiber nature makes people feel full after eating and keeps them healthy. According to health specialists wheat has low fat content and it is recommended for fat reduction. In India wheat ingredient food items like chapati, pulka etc are generally recommended for diabetic and blood pressure patients . Wheat is a rich source of natural nutrients, minerals and proteins that are very much useful in maintaining the metabolism intact. According to health experts an adult requires 20 to 30 grams of fiber daily and wheat is the best source to full fill it. An experiment conducted by the dental experts indicated that eating wheat ingredient foods will reduce the diseases of teeth and gums. Fo...

Uses of Lemon

Uses of Lemon We all know lemons are very rich in vitamin C and it is the primary vitamin to cure most of the diseases. Using a lemon daily can keep you safe from heart diseases and avoids the high blood pressure issue. Drinking lemon juice daily increases the immune system and keeps you fresh all the time. Its juice also decreases the calcium levels in kidneys and eradicates the forming of stones. Daily intake of lemon juice can improve the functioning of digestive system and avoids the problem of constipation. As the potassium levels are high in lemon, it helps in maintaining normal blood pressure ensuring a healthy heart. Lemon is also useful in avoiding many skin diseases, dehydration problem, stomach issues and helps in losing weight also. In India most of the people use lemons to make pickles which is spicy and delicious. And its leaves are useful in making tea as well as a fragrant agent in different kind of food items. The excess availability of citrus acid in l...