Benefits Peanut Oil


Peanuts or ground nuts are abundant source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. These have enormous health benefits and can be used in various fields including Ayurvedic medicines
Peanut Oil :
  • Peanut oil or ground nut oil is best suited for a healthy heart as they are rich in mono unsaturated fats. This oil also helps in reducing bad cholesterol levels.
  • This oil is very much useful for protecting digestive system. Problems like diarrhea and constipation are solved by taking this oil daily.
  • The abundant presence of vitamin E in this oil keeps away certain types of cancers also.
  • As the peanuts are high in proteins, its oil is also a good source for body building purpose.
  • Regular usage of groundnut oil reduces the sugar levels which is quite essential for diabetic patients.
  • Apart from these, peanut oil is also used in preparing some soaps, paints, furniture polish and messaging oils.
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