Drawbacks Of Papaya


    Papaya is one of the most nutritious and sweetest fruit consumed in the world. Also known as Pawpaw, this native Mexican fruit plant belongs to the family of Caricaceae. Mostly liked by all section of people around the world, this juicy fruit has enormous health benefits, especially for digestive system.

    • According to some researchers the papain present in papaya can cause birth defects for a new born baby.
    • If you consume excess papaya the fiber contents may not be digested which results in bloating.
    • Some health experts say that, excess intake of this fruit may cause skin irritation which may lead to some allergies.
    • Tips : For Tonsils, throat infection and pain
    • One table spoon of unripe papaya fruit juice is mixed with one table spoon of honey.
    • Apply this mixture smoothly on the tonsils with a cotton stick.
    • Gargle this mixture to get instant relief from throat pain or infection.
    For More Updates on Fruits Visit Here


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