Benefits Of Capsicum


Nature provides wide variety of vegetables and fruits which gives innumerable health benefits. One of such healthy and beneficial vegetable is Capsicum. In addition to vegetable it is also used as a spice in many food varieties. As a medicine its uses are valuable and it would be a surprise to know that it is also used in making some chemical weapons. Belonging to the family of flowering plant Solanaeceae, these peppers are native to America and grows more in China. So lets see how does this spice cum vegetable is helpful to us.
  • It has so many names in different countries and its uses are enormous. Its dried form is used as another form of chili pepper. They contain rich quantities of vitamin A and vitamin C.
  • Also known as bell peppers they contain high amounts of vitamin B6 and folic acids which are responsible for avoiding many heart related issues.
  • According to health experts, humans require nearly 11% of vitamin B6 per a day which can be fulfilled by this vegetable.
  • Red capsicum have abundant quantities of vitamin A and vitamin C which is very good for maintaining better eye sight. These type of peppers are very much useful in avoiding age related eye sights.
  • We all know vegetables rich in vitamin C are very good agents for improving immune system and capsicum is not an exception for this.
  • Applying capsicum directly on to the skin can reduce back pains and nerve pains.
  • According to some researchers capsicum can also be used in making drugs that are useful in avoiding migraine and joint pains.
  • Daily intake of capsicum increases the immune system to resist sinus, cold and throat pains. Capsicum compounds are also useful in burning the calories thereby helping in reducing the overall body weight.
  • It is very rich in antioxidants and anti inflammatory nutrients, hence the chances of getting cancer is reduced if you take this useful vegetable.
  • People who are lack of Iron are advised to take capsicum daily, as it has high amounts of vitamin C.
  • According to some Ayurvedic specialists drinking capsicum juice can avoid the issues like ulcers, diarrhea.
  • It is also good for respiratory system, that is why in some remedies of lung infections and asthma this vegetable is widely used.
  • It also increases the blood circulation throughout the scalp which increases the hair growth while strengthening the roots.
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  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about capsicum benefits.Please keep sharing.
    Benefits Of Green Capsicum


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