Benefits Of Amla

Does Amla has negative effect on the body ?

  • It is a rich source of vitamin C and increases our immune system to great extent.
  • Daily intake of amla at limited quantities ensures lower cholesterol levels, which is very good for a healthy heart.
  • Amla is rich in antioxidants which prohibits the formation of free radicals. Therefore the chances of getting cancer are very less.
  • Amla juice reduces the inflammation in the respiratory system and prevents the formation of any infections, ensuring great respiratory health.
  • Many health experts suggest to take amla juice regularly as it has the capacity to control the diabetes.
  • Daily consumption of Amla Juice is very good for eye sight as well as skin related issues.
  • Amla contains more number of antioxidants that improves the skin appearance and decreases the aging.
  • From traditional periods, amla is well used to avoid hair related problems. This is the reason why most of the hair product companies use amla as one of their by product.
  • Amla helps the liver to get back to its initial stage when it is effected by alcohol.
  • Health tip : For Anemia and Liver damage
  • Mix half glass of amla juice with half glass of sugarcane juice and drink it. It definitely reduces Anemia.
  • For a healthy liver, mix half glass of amla juice with half glass of grape juice and consume it.
For More Information About  Amla Visit Here


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