Benefits Of Sugarcane
Sugarcane can be termed as the best beneficial health substance available at cheap price. It belongs to the grass family of Poaceae and originated from New Guinea. It can be eaten directly or consumed by making juice. As a rich nutrient substance the juice of sugarcane is very common on the streets of India, especially on hot summer days. The sugarcane juice with a touch of lemon, mint and ice gives enormous taste. At present, India holds the highest place in terms of sugarcane production and consumption. But as a matter of fact it also has some cons, so lets find out what are the cons and pros with it. Benefits The primary benefits of sugarcane comes up with its juice. It has high calories with no fat substances, a 100 gram sugarcane consists of approximately 250 calories of energy. The natural glucose contents present in it helps in maintaining muscle power. It is used to make Jaggery which is a traditional sweet substance for preparing many household varieties. The sucrose...
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